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This page details offerings where "Measurement" is the core philosophy . We aim to cover both 'physical' (as in tools, calipers etc.) and 'soft' (as in 'metrics design' or 'survey design')

The key offering here starts with "Model Generation" - where engineering models, business models and models are created to cater to customer requirement.

Strategic Consulting - including scenario planning, fiscal analysis of outcomes would be part of this heading. Stressed Asset recovery, Consulting for, mergers & acquisitions, Due Diligence are also included here.

Marketing and Brand Extension - the non-creative aspects are covered as offering here. The creative part is covered in the same name under "Ideation"

For building physical measurement systems, the offering "Projects" maybe selected, where we custom build complex measurement tools.

You may see our R&D Collaboration page for an example related to build of a hi-tech measuring instrument.


           When you want an “instrument” for measuring !


Available Consultant - Offering Pair:

Madhuri - Model Generation, Strategic Consulting, Marketing, Brand Extension.

Asesh - Model Generation, Strategic Consulting, Marketing, Brand Extension.

Naresh - Model Generation, Projects.

Deepak - Model Generation, Projects.

Rageshree - Strategic Consulting, Projects.


Links from this page go to 

Consultancy, R&D Collaboration and Ideation

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