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This offering covers consultancy offered throughout a 'product lifecycle' - from concept to market but centered on creative aspect of the process.

If you want to engage for a consultancy in furthering or ‘kick-starting’ an ‘ideation process’ in relation to business. Training workshops for "Brainstorming" are a prominent example of customer need.

For product / process ideas, you can choose from "tags" that lead to the blog. You can "book" the blog idea. This entitles you to all intellectual property generated by USANA RENEWABLES, during the course of its implementation for the most reasonable price! Further, all business leads accruing to USANA RENEWABLES, except those of intellectual/consulting nature, under that generic heading, will also be passed on to the buyer of the blog idea !

You may independently consult the respective consultant on the other available offerings alongside. 


           When you want ‘ideas’!


Available pair of

Consultants - Offering  :

Madhuri : Marketing, Brand Extension

Naresh : Creative Writing, Training and Business Workshops.



Other Links from this page go to Consultancy  and Blog 


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